I am Mark.
今日は朝食はEBで食べましたが、昼食、夕食は外食します。昼食は昨日のレストランでWonton Mami、ワンタン麺、まあまあかな?。
Today I ate breakfast at EB, but will eat out for lunch and dinner. Lunch was Wonton Mami, wonton noodles at yesterday's restaurant. It was so-so?.
There is a big menu on the wall, but I have no idea what the words mean.
Noodles と書いてあるから麺だろうと分かったけど、Mami って何?。Wonton って書いてあったのでワンタン麺かな?、と判断して注文しました。
It said "Noodles," so I knew it was noodles, but what is "Mami"?. I thought it was wonton noodles because it said "Wonton" on the menu, so I decided to order it.
近くのモール、なんと9/18から今日までChristmas blowout fair が開催されている。日本でも最近は早くからクリスマスムードが盛り上がっているけど、いくら何でも早過ぎじゃない?。
A nearby mall is holding a Christmas blowout fair from 9/18 to today. I know that the Christmas mood in Japan is getting excited early these days, but isn't it a little too early for that?
It's a big party like this: ‼️.
Dinner was Lechon ❣️. When I saw it around noon, it was still whole. Hmmm, poor thing, but looks delicious ❗️.
Local stream nearby, Sunday after 5pm is super exciting ❣️.
Lots of people come and go.
The mall is also full of people.
Jolibee は大盛況。何でフィリピーノはこんなにJolib好きなの。
Jolibee was a great success. Why do Filipinos love Jolib so much?
Near 4:00 p.m., the pork chops were small.
I was told there was no set meal because they ran out of rice, so I decided to buy 1/4 kg and eat it in my room. It's a bit too much, but I'll have a small bite with my whiskey. Lechon is delicious❣️.